Sunday, December 7, 2008

I Love the Holidays!!!

Things have been so hectic around here! We spent yesterday shopping for Christmas lights to decorate the outside of the house. We put up white icecicles along the roof edge and we trimmed the windows and front porch with multi-colored lights. We also have a white spiral tree and an animated white reindeer in the front yard. Oh...can't forget the blow-up snowmen and tree that Andrew HAD TO HAVE. He's so funny. He told us that Christmas lights just make him so happy!

Over Thanksgiving holidays, my neice Kaitlyn came over and spent some time with us. We went to the New Orleans Children's Museum. We also took some pictures to use for Christmas cards. Everyone thinks that Bailey and Kaitlyn are sisters, sometimes even twins. They are a year apart. I put one of the pictures in my header and here are a few more of my favorites:




Monday, November 10, 2008

Gone Too Soon

It stinks that my first real blog has to be about something so sad. Yesterday, Shane's cousin passed away. Tommy was Shane's best friend growing up. They lived right next to each other and they spent their free time playing together as little boys. As they grew older, they sort of lost touch.

Shortly after Shane and I got married, he ran into Tommy and they started to talk once again. My fondest memory of Tommy was when he took us to dinner at Emeril's restaurant NOLA, where he was a chef. We were given the royal treatment. I also really enjoyed when he taught me how to make alligator eggrolls at a cooking demonstration he put on for our friends.

It seems like life got busy and before you know it, we lost touch with Tommy once again. We got a call Sunday that he was in a coma, an apparent drug overdose. He passed away yesterday evening. So tragic. I can tell my husband is hurting, but he tends to keep his emotions in. I know that it is upsetting to Shane that Tommy chose the path of drugs. This ended up becoming a good conversation starter for us with our kids in regards to drugs. We sat them down and had a long talk with them about what can happen to you if you choose drugs. They were very receptive to this conversation as they just had Red Ribbon Week at school. They are very sad that their Daddy lost his cousin.

So please say a prayer for Tommy's parents, sister, child, friends, and extended family.

Gone, but not forgotten.

My First Attempt...

Well, I decided to try this blogging thing. It looks like it will be fun! Hopefully my family and friends that live out-of-town will be able to keep up with us better by coming here to read about what we've been up to. If there is anything that you would like to see or have any suggestions about my blog, please feel free to let me know!

